Category: Case Studies

Category: Case Studies

Meet John Kiboi, A PGIO Beneficiary – Unemployment Causes Poverty

John Kiboi is a Protect A Girls Image Organization Beneficiary. He is the operations and recruitment manager at PGIO Mission of Mercy. He manages all recruiting-related activities, equips recruiters with effective tools to approach the hiring process, and scouts talent for the organization. He has come a long way from that young man struggling in a small town in Nairobi.
operations and recruitment manager at PGIO Mission of Mercy.
It was one of those typical days back in Kenya when this young man had a lot going on in his life. He was already giving up as he gathered his clothes to go back to his parents home town since life in the city was unbearable. He boarded a matatu (public Transport) as he headed home.
Alone with his thoughts, he entertained suicidal thoughts. He unbuckled the safety belt and prayed for the vehicle to fall on a cliff or just roll so that he may die because he was depressed. He ended up falling asleep for a few hours and the next thing he heard was someone announcing they had arrived at their destination.
He came out of the vehicle a changed person. He told himself “God made me sleep until I arrived keeping me safe from the thoughts of despair I had “. He believed it only meant God had a future for him. He went to his mother’s place and later a friend called him asking if he can assist with his business. he agreed and went back to the city.

After about 3 months he felt he needed to apply for a passport he did it and when he went for the passport the friend asked if he was thinking of going to Dubai, and he said no he will go to America.

He was asked if he knew someone he said no but he heard a voice tell him to take the passport he will go to America. That was Faith. The friend knew the PGIO Organization and the assistance it had given to a few unprivileged. So together they called the CEO explaining the situation and she agreed to help him. He traveled to the USA and got the financial, psychological, and social support that he needed. The rest of his life is a Testimony. He is in the US and his life transformed. 
John is among the few youths in Kenya who are lucky to get such an opportunity. Every student in Kenya is concerned about the likelihood of being jobless for several years after graduation. In Kenya, more than 500,000 young people complete their studies at various higher institutions each year and are then prepared to enter the workforce. However, due to the economy’s sluggish expansion, corruption, nepotism, and the pervasive mismatch between taught skills and market demands, almost 75% of people experience unemployment.

We are making a lot of effort to teach our beneficiaries about personal finance in order to assist them to manage their current student debt, avoiding accruing further debt, learning some fundamental investing skills, and being motivated to develop their trajectories.

Our mantra is one step at a time, patience pays. To see the projects we have been working on, please click here.


Our Income Generating Projects At Protect A Girls’ Image Kenya in 2022.

The majority of the inhabitants in Kirinyaga County live below the poverty line i.e. live on less than one US dollar a day. Additionally, the majority in this rural part of Kenya do not have access to basic services.

The high rate of unemployment in Kirinyaga has come up with its dose of consequences among the youth some of which include drug abuse. The epidemic has increased the number of people seeking health services and increased the cost of health care. Health care services drain family resources. Strategies need to be adopted to ensure that family assets are maintained and increased to help them cope with the effects of drugs and substance abuse.

The people of this area live in a vicious cycle of poverty, characterized by low incomes leading to low savings and investments and, therefore, low production. The majority of the residents of this area who are engaged in economic activities do not have access to financial services, thus seriously limiting their productivity, and investment ability, and resulting in poor living standards.

Over the years, we have come up with projects to boost our source of income since the CEO was the sole financial contributor to the organization’s income. The goal of this project is to generate income by focusing on pig farming, poultry farming, dairy cows, and goats. We also do rice farming, banana farming, and maize farming so as to provide educational, nutritional, and medical support needs of over 40 children.

SEE Our Projects Below:

  1. Maize Farming. >>>>> See Video

maize weeding


2)  Pig Farming >>>>> See Video



3) Rice Planting >>>>>>See Video


4) Dairy Farming  >>>>>>See Video

Dairy farming


5. Banana Farming >>>>>See Video


PGIO Kenya Community Programme will be under the umbrella of PGIO Mission of Mercy with a plan on how to assist the beneficiaries in our region of operation. Our target is to shape the children to be important members of the community and to assist the young people from landing into problems related to drugs, early pregnancies, and other family challenges. This can be achieved if we can provide various forms of support to these children and their Caregivers.

Our Core Values of the Project Are:

  • Focusing on feeding the children.
  • Being gender-responsive.
  • Enhancing utilization of local resources.
  • Strengthening existing structures and systems.
  • Promoting people-centered development.


From these Income Generating Activities (IGA), we are able to make sure our beneficiaries get two hot meals every day. Accessing nutritious food to over 40 children ensures good health and thus enables them to attend school without interruptions. On the farm, we sift the maize that we grow at the posho mill to get flour. We also use the maize cobs and husks to make animal feed to ensure there is no waste. Surplus milk is also sold to the locals for extra income.

We are working on setting up our own posho mill to reduce flour production costs. The posho mill will be open to the locals, hence creating an extra source of income. We will also process our milk to make homemade dairy products like yogurt, cultured cream,  butter, cheese, ice cream, and condensed and dried milk. These products will be packed, labeled, and sold to the locals for extra income.

Protect A Girls Image plans to get materials, financial support, and in-kind donations to help meet its objectives from individuals, companies, religious organizations, the business fraternity, friends of PGIO, external donors, and other organizations.

If you wish to make a donation, PLEASE DO SO HERE!


Going further to transform the lives of children at Protect a Girls Image.

What should I teach my high school-aged teen about sex and sexuality? (Age 14- 19years)